The gas giant Saturn is slightly smaller than Jupiter, but it is the most beautiful planet because of the extensive ring system.
The gas giant Saturn is slightly smaller than Jupiter, but it is the most beautiful planet because of the extensive ring system.
The rings have a diameter of 200,000 – 500,000 km but are only 20 m thick on average. They contain ice cubes and pebbles, but are so thin that you can easily fly through them with a satellite. Saturn’s 82 moons hold the rings together. The largest moon Titan is larger than our Moon. Both Saturn and Jupiter are clearly visible to the naked eye. You can also see the big moons with binoculars (7 * 50) or a small telescope.
This is the half way point of the Planetenpad. The last two giant planets Uranus and Neptune lie in the direction of Rhijnauwen and from this point it is 4.2 or 5.7 km walking, cycling or kayaking.